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Hướng dẫn học tiếng anh Market Leader Advanced – Unit 12: Project Management – Hochay

Hướng dẫn học tiếng anh Market Leader Advanced – Unit 12: Project Management – Hochay

Video bài nghe Market Leader Advanced – Unit 12: Project Management – HocHay

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Cùng HocHay học tiếng Anh Market Leader Advanced các bạn nhé!

A. Listen to four short extracts and answer these questions.

1. What are the problems in each of these conference calls?

2. Which of these problems could also occur in a face-to-face meeting?

3. Which problems are unique to or heightened by teleconferences?


Đáp án:

Extract 1

1. Two of the people are late, then one of them gets cut off or leaves the telecon unexpectedly.

2. People arriving late can happen in both types of meetings, but is arguably more annoying and disruptive in teleconferences, e.g. listening to ‘musak’ for minutes on end.

3. Technical problems, such as getting cut off, are unique to telecons and video conferences.

Extract 2

1. Two of the people have not received the agenda in advance.

2/3. People not receiving an agenda in advance can be typical of both types of meetings, but it’s even more important in teleconferences to make sure that people, who may be globally dispersed, get sent documents beforehand.

Extract 3

1. An issue that is not on the agenda is brought up for discussion, and one participant checks her e-mail halfway through the telecon.

2. People side-tracking the discussion is common in both types of meetings, and the leader has a key role to play here.

3. People checking their e-mail can be a common problem during teleconferences, because as they can’t be seen, they decide to use the opportunity to ‘multi-task’ and do other work (e.g. check e-mai) rather than focus on the meeting.

Extract 4

1. Martha doesn’t identify herself when she asks Pierre a question. A mobile phone also rings during the telecon.

2. Interruptions and background noise, such as people arriving late and mobile phones ringing, is common in both types of meetings, but arguably more disruptive to teleconferences where people have to make more of an effort to tune in to what is being said.

3. Not identifying yourself when speaking is important etiquette unique to telecons, because you can’t always be sure people will recognise your voice, especially with a big group or when people don’t know each other well.


B. Complete the gaps in the advice below for leading a successful teleconference using the phrases in the box. Then match the sentence halves. What other tips would you add?

the agenda          basic rules            an eye on            get feedback             go over what was discussed              keep track of              take a roll call


1. Always ………… at the beginning  a) and the objectives of the meeting.
2. Then outline …………  b) to make sure the telecon doesn’t overrun.
3. Quickly go over the ………… and guidelines c) and take questions from the other participants.
4. Remember to keep ………… the clock d) is contributing to the discussion and who is not.
5. Don’t forget to ………… who  e) clarify any action the participants need to take.
6. Then pause periodically to …………  f) for the call, such as speaking time limits. 
7. Before ending the teleconference, briefly ………… and  g) so that everyone knows who is involved and listening. 


Đáp án:

1. take a roll call – g

2. the agenda – a

3. basic rules – f

4. an eye on-b

5. keep track of-d

6. get feedback – c

7. go over what was discussed – e


C. The product development team for a food manufacturer is discussing a new project. How effective is the host of the teleconference?


Đáp án:

Rachel generally does a good job. She follows the etiquette by starting with a roll call, and introducing the main objectives and agenda. She also states some ground rules, e.g. We only have 45 minutes. She also introduces Daniel, who is new to the group. She deals with attempts to sidetrack the meeting well.

The report should have been sent to everyone in well in advance of the meeting to give participants time to read it. Some students might feel that she is too brusque and doesn’t allow any time for necessary small talk and relationship-building. She also says they only have 45 minutes, which puts pressure on the participants to stay focused. She deals with the turn-taking issue well, as members will often overlap in teleconferences. Everyone is good at identifying themselves when they want to speak.


D. Listen again and complete the expressions in this box with one or two words in each gap.



Let’s start by taking the …………. (1)

Hi, all …………. (2) Dong Chen in Hong Kong ………….(3)

Esther Holmes from Marketing in Singapore here.

Daniel Matthews from R&D has just …………. (4)

[name] will be with us shortly.


Rachel here. Let’s look at ..…………. (5) for discussion today.

We only have 45 minutes, so let’s make …………. (6). Esther?

OK, moving on to the next item.


Daniel again. I have a ………….. (7)

This is [name]. I have a question for


[name] here. May I ask a question?

[name] again. I’d like to add to what

[name] has just said.


Can we hear first from [name], then from [name]?

Sorry, Daniel, ………….. (8)

No, please, ………….. (9)

OK, Dong Chen, what were you ………….. (10) say?

[name] here. Can I comment on that? 


Let’s summarise what we’ve said so far.

Can I just check who’s doing what, and by when?

Let’s go over the action points before we finish. 


Đáp án:

1. roll call

2. This is

3. speaking

4. joined us

5. the items

6. a start

7. question

8. go ahead

9. after you

10. going to

Reading and Language Market Leader Advanced – Unit 12: Project Management – HocHay


A. Read the article on the opposite page and rewrite the statements if necessary, according to the writer’s ideas.

1. One minor aspect of project planning is knowing which tasks are dependent on other ones.

2. Project managers often set their expectations too high, and clients complain that timelines are unrealistic.

3. Periods of non-productivity or inactivity are unacceptable at any time during a project.

4. All the team should devote as many hours as necessary to complete critical tasks.

5. One way of speeding up a project is getting more than one person to work on a critical task at the same time.

6. By focusing on key tasks, a project manager can ensure the project is delivered on time or is finished ahead of schedule.

7. The project manager’s aim should be to complete the project as soon as possible without compromising the original schedule.


Đáp án:

1. One minor major /important aspect of project planning is knowing which tasks are dependent on one other.

Identify the task dependencies. Some tasks cannot start until prior tasks are finished. Obviously, you can’t install a roof over a house with no walls. (lines 58-62)

2. Project managers Clients often set their expectations too high and clients project managers complain timelines are unrealistic.

One of the most common problems that project managers weep about is ‘unrealistic timelines’, a common consequence of clients having set their expectations too high. (lines 5-9)

3. Periods of non-productivity or inactivity are unacceptable at any time during a project a normal phenomenon in project schedules. Managers tend to remove it from the schedule to impress their bosses or clients … accept the fact that slack times are a normal phenomenon in project schedules. (lines 79-87)

4. All team members should work however many hours it might take Key team members should work longer hours on crucial tasks.

Also, make sure you are not over-assigning critical tasks to your best team member. It is mindless to assume that your best resource can work 16 hours a day for three weeks. (lines 110-115)

5. One way of speeding up a project is getting more than one person to work on a critical task at the same time.

You can put two people to work in parallel and have the task completed in half the time. (lines 105-107)

6. By focusing on key ta!lks, a project manager can ensure the project is delivered on time or is finished ahead of schedule.

… focus your attention on the critical path. When the critical path is shortened, the project is finished early. When the critical path is maintained, the project is finished on time. When the critical path is extended, the project is delayed. (lines 30-37)

7. The project manager’s aim should be to complete the project as soon as possible without compromising the original schedule its scope and the quality.

… the project manager’s objective is to create the shortest schedule possible without sacrificing its scope and quality. (lines 24-27)


B. Match the words or expressions in bold in the article to these definitions.

1. making very small changes to something so that it works as well as possible

2. range that an activity, subject, etc. deals with

3. used to give an example of someone or something

4. it is likely

5. completely stupid and without any purpose

6. makes a subject or problem more difficult to understand, especially by introducing unnecessary ideas or items

7. say that something is not allowed by the rules, especially in sports

8. resources, such as money, space, people or time, that are not being used fully

9. cry or complain about something bitterly

10. giving someone too much work or too much responsibility for a particular job

11. not working, or doing something without any specific purpose, intent or effort


Đáp án:

1. fine-tuning

2. scope

3. For one

4. Chances are

5. mindless

6. clouds

7. shout foul

8. slack

9. weep

10. over-assigning

11. idly


C. Which of the words and expressions in Exercise B are a) formal or literary, b) informal, and c) ‘neutral’? Why do you think the writer mixes styles?


Đáp án:

a) Words like weep and idly are more formal and literary.

b) For one (also For starters in the text), Chances are and shout foul are more informal or colloquial expressions that are usually spoken.

c) The other items are ‘neutral’ and can be used in any context. Resource is also more formal than person – both are used in the text.


D. Look at the article again and find two examples for each of these techniques. What effect does the writer’s style have on you or might have on other readers?

1. Gives definitions

2. Illustrates points with examples

3. Uses imperative forms

4. Exaggerates for dramatic or humorous effect

5. Repeats certain words and grammatical forms to make the text easier to follow e.g. Doing the right things and doing them right are two important ingredients to successful project planning. (-ing forms; doing right)


Đáp án:

1. Gives definitions

The basic foundation of managing a project is creating an efficient and realistic project schedule. (lines 17-19)

Slack time, as the name implies, is the time when … (lines 76-77)

The role of a manager is to identify and minimise them. (lines 87-89)

2. Illustrates points with examples

For starters, accept the fact that slack times are a normal phenomenon … (lines 85-87)

For one, do not crash tasks that are strictly interdependent on one another, such as applying a second coat of paint. (lines 97-100)

3. Uses imperative forms

Make a list of tasks first. (line 53)

Do not put them directly into the Gantt chart … (lines 53–55}

Don’t try to schedule putting on the roof and building walls In parallel. (lines 66-68)

Identify your critical path(s). (line 69)

… accept the fact that slack times are a normal phenomenon … (lines 85-87)

… do not crash tasks that are strictly interdependent on one another … (lines 97-99)

… make sure you assess the risks. Also, make sure you are not over-assigning critical tasks to your best team member. (lines 110-113)

4. Exaggerates for dramatic or humorous effect

Does the project manager shout foul and blame other people? (lines 13–14)

Obviously, you can’t install a roof over a house with no walls. (lines 60-62)

Don’t try to schedule putting on the roof and building walls in parallel. (lines 66-68)

5. Repeats certain grammatical forms

When the critical path is shortened, the project is finished early. When the critical path is maintained, the project is finished on time. When the critical path is extended, the project is delayed. (lines 32-37)

You can put two people to work in parallel and have the task completed in half the time. Or you can assign a more productive resource who can finish the work earlier. (lines 105-109) 

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